Last Call on sale now at Spark Book Store, Perth Ontario Canada.
Hawkes Nest Restaurant, Smiths Falls Ontario, Canada!! Great food.
My dear freind and owner of Hawkes Nest Restaurant Dar….thabks for loving my book and selling it!!
Worth Saving Charity Shop.
On sale Worth Saving Charity Shop. Perth Ontario.
Article in local paper, The Lanark Era.
On sale now a Perth Book Nook. Thank you for supporting our local book stores!!
Local Town Councilman and good freind Gary in my music room.
My good friend Spencer Kell.
On the deck, in the happy place with me and my Dad, brothers and daughter
Pre Launch Fall tour for Last Call
Art and inspiration on Manitouland Island
Carole, settling in for a good read.
Dr. William Edward Lowe (Bill), my good freind. Taken to soon and sadly missed
Paul B is my long time freind in life, in recovery and has been by my side from day 1 of my journey into Freedom. He always tells me the truth, and…says he likes my book!!
My beautiful wife for life!!! Teresa.
Writing and reflecting at the cabin.
A small circle of beads attached to a crudely carved wooden crucifix. A gift to me from my dear friend Petra